MS Health Policy Students: A Day at the Capitol

Master's candidates Rachel Mathison, Lisa Isola Chikovani, and Ashley Moore, students of the MS Health Policy program at UCSF, attended  the American Nurses Association - California (ANA\C) RN Day 2019 - A Day at the Capitol.

 Opening speakers at the event, Roxanne Gould, ANA\C Lobbyist, and Marketa Houskova, Executive Director of ANA\C, covered the "how to" of advocacy and shared their perspectives on the policy process. Thelma Harris, Chief of Legislation at the Board of Registered Nurses (BRN), discussed the importance of the nursing voice in health care policy and outlined some practical steps nurses can take to become more involved in shaping health care policy. The second part of the event was set aside for attending Committee Hearings and interacting with elected officials during meet-and-greets at the Capitol.

 "A highlight of the day was hearing Ms. Harris describe the work she does at the BRN, which she said is her dream job." The students reported they were inspired and motivated to expand their involvement in health policy and pursue their own "dream jobs" in health policy following graduation in January 2020.