UCSF Health Policy at ICN Congress 2019, Singapore

International Council of Nurses Congress 2019, Singapore


The International Council of Nurses welcomed over 5300 delegates to the ICN Congress 2019 in Singapore from 27 June to 1 July 2019.

Hosted by the Singapore Nurses Association, this international gathering of thousands of nurses explored the many ways in which nurses work to achieve universal access to health, not only providing health care but also addressing the social determinants of health, such as education, gender equality, poverty, etc.

The Congress provided opportunities for nurses to build relationships and to disseminate nursing and health-related knowledge. The Council of National Nursing Association Representatives, ICN’s global governing body, convened from 25-27 June 2019.

Congress participants who are members of ICN member associations were able to observe global nursing leaders, identify the profession’s priorities and future directions.

 Susan Chapman at the conference

Nursing Health Policy PhD student Kathleen De Leon Presents at the conference